Every Friendsurance team member is different in ways of origin, skills and humour. However, there are some qualities and feature sets that connect us. 


It should not still be needed to mention this, but unfortunately it does: where you grew up, where you went to school, the colour of your skin, who you fall in love with or whether you were born with breasts or not: we simply don’t care.

What you took with you on your life-journey so far, how you want people to experience working with you and what you want to achieve: this is what matters to us.

We are a highly diverse team with over 20 nationalities and we look for people who enjoy this enormous benefit to our culture as much as we do.

Ambition and Kindness

We believe in the release of positive forces when you let people be who they are and feel safe. At the same time we believe in challenging each other and encouraging direct communication.

The combination of the two can only work if we as a team give each other the benefit of the doubt and assume the best of another.

To fit into our team you need to bring both to the office: ambition and kindness.


Soft Skills

In a group of over 100 people, passionate about what they do, conflict of interest will arise.

We should not be afraid of it, but to solve it well and painlessly, we need to accept that how a topic is communicated has a decisive effect on the final result.

We therefore look for people who address problems, but understand that developing soft skills is crucial to get your message across.

Agility & Responsibility

We work on an innovative product and we partner with other organisations (often of substantial size).

We are dependent on empowered, independent thinkers across the whole company who embrace an agile work style combined with a high level of professionalism.

We look for team members who want responsibility themself and enjoy sharing it with others.


We are in a competitive business, experienced roller coasters like other startups and do regular retros, evaluating what we could improve. We are not afraid of taking risks, but also have to put down the seriousness needed to tackle the challenge we have taken on.

Life only gets enjoyable and fun if you do this with a ton of humour.

No matter what makes you laugh, to be right with us you have to have humour as part of your work style and appreciate this in others as well.


Being part of the Friendsurance team means thinking new every day. We are bringing two worlds together: customer centric technical innovation and the insurance business.